Learning to Estimate Hidden Motions with Global Motion Aggregation
Shihao Jiang , Dylan Campbell, Yao Lu, Hongdong Li, Richard Hartley
ICCV, 2021
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We show reasoning about self-similarities can help resolve ambiguities caused by occlusions.
Learning Optical Flow from a Few Matches
Shihao Jiang , Yao Lu, Hongdong Li, Richard Hartley
CVPR, 2021
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We show accurate optical flow can be predicted from a sparse correlation volume.
Joint Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow and Egomotion with Bi-Level Optimization
Shihao Jiang , Dylan Campbell, Miaomiao Liu, Stephen Gould, Richard Hartley
3DV, 2020
We propose an approach to differentiate through an essential matrix estimation layer and demonstrate its usefulness in unsupervised optical flow estimation.
Kernel Support Vector Machine and Convolutional Neural Networks
Shihao Jiang , Richard Hartley, Basura Fernando
DICTA, 2018
We embed a kernel support vector machine module in a CNN.